Northgate Community Has a Voice for Change

Welcome to the Northgate High School Blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to gather information from parents, students, teachers, staff and administrators who would like to share ideas about improving Northgate. The blog will also provide information about MDUSD's, and Northgate's, failure to provide a quality education for our students. If you believe everything is wonderful at Northgate feel free to write that in a post but please understand that this blog is about change. No form of name calling or intimidation will be tolerated, your post will be removed. This is a serious blog for serious people who want to make a difference. Members of the school board view this site, this link can easily be sent to the Superintendent, this is your opportunity to tell them what you think needs to change at Northgate.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is the Meeting on Saturday Best Spent Asking Questions or Telling Our Story

Mr. Strange and Mr. Eberhart are to be applauded for taking the time to meet with parents/students this Saturday. As a community what are our questions for these board members? No doubt the discussion will turn to the need for a Parcel Tax and removal of the Superintendent from his job as the head of this district. I understand those issues but have to ask myself do these board members, or any board member, understand what we see day to day as real concerns at Northgate? Do they acknowledge the fact that many parents and students are not happy with the educational instruction and opportunities at Northgate? Do they understand what it is like inside a school where there has been very little leadership for many years? Mr. McHenry holds in his hands a long list of Northgate student concerns, both of these board members are aware of that list. Will they be able, and willing to bring that list along on Saturday, and if nothing else, acknowledge those concerns and admit there is a problem? Is that what we want them to do? As a community what are our questions?


Anonymous said...

Good morning,

We speak about the need for a parcel tax and a new Superintendent almost everywhere we speak because we believe that these two issues are the largest impediments to forward progress in the district. That said we are attending this meeting to answer the questions that are asked. I am in possession of a list of questions that were provided by a parent of NHS and we will bring that with us. We are willing to answer anything that we are asked and we hope that attendees of the meeting will feel comfortable to ask questions that they feel are pertinent. We might not know every answer, but we will answer honestly and openly. We hope that there will be many people there to discuss the important issues.

Gary Eberhart

Anonymous said...

nghsblogger is a student.

nghsblogger said...

That is an interesting thought, maybe or maybe not.

Who I am is not the least bit important, nor will I address this topic again.

What we do about the issues facing Northgate IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT.

Andre' Gensburger said...

It is my understanding that the question is...

What now and what can I do to effect a positive change?

I commend the boardmembers for the courage to stand their ground and the desire to see a positive outcome out of this mess.

Silence will be met by silence. This is an outstanding opportunity for an informal Q & A with two people who have defied the status quo to do something worthwhile.