Northgate Community Has a Voice for Change

Welcome to the Northgate High School Blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to gather information from parents, students, teachers, staff and administrators who would like to share ideas about improving Northgate. The blog will also provide information about MDUSD's, and Northgate's, failure to provide a quality education for our students. If you believe everything is wonderful at Northgate feel free to write that in a post but please understand that this blog is about change. No form of name calling or intimidation will be tolerated, your post will be removed. This is a serious blog for serious people who want to make a difference. Members of the school board view this site, this link can easily be sent to the Superintendent, this is your opportunity to tell them what you think needs to change at Northgate.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why Is It Okay With You?

I know that you come to this site. I know that people vote on the polls. I don't understand the lack of comments regarding the questions asked of the MDUSD administration and Board of Education. Help me understand, I don't care if you post anonymously. Do you care about the answers to those three questions? Do you want answers to more questions like those, trust me there are plenty more to ask? Do you realize that reading them and not posting sends no message and garners no change? A one sentence comment sends a message. No comment says everything is fine. went on this same tirade this last week. Is it apathy? Is it fear? Is this just a form of entertainment to you?
READ Paul Strange's response to the questions. Are those answers okay with you? Is it okay that no other member of the administration or board responded? Do these answers represent April Treece's opinions?
Why are we afraid to demand more from those we elect to represent our interests? Why are so many settling for so little? Our district is in big trouble... we have major financial issues. We have teachers with low morale, leaving at alarming rates, being replaced with less experienced teachers into a system where mentoring and training is stretched thin. How can we allow member of the Board to dodge our questions? Tell me, so I understand why it is okay with you.


Anonymous said...

Too many places to follow now. CCTimes, Andre's blog, Strange/Eberhart's blog, this one...

If I copy and paste my comments in four places, I'm spamming. If I paste it in one, I miss 3/4 of the audience.

Tiz a puzzlement.

nghsblogger said...

As long as people start talking.

Anonymous said...

Eberharat did respond under your May 4 blog entry.

Anonymous said...

Its not ok ... that's why many parents feel its time for a change. Its too bad McHenry let it get to this point. Its too bad April Treece did too. And she had a great opportunity to rebuild some fences at Rocco's a few weeks ago. She's the worst school board member I've ever even heard of .. I can't believe "we" voted for her..! Not anymore