Northgate Community Has a Voice for Change

Welcome to the Northgate High School Blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to gather information from parents, students, teachers, staff and administrators who would like to share ideas about improving Northgate. The blog will also provide information about MDUSD's, and Northgate's, failure to provide a quality education for our students. If you believe everything is wonderful at Northgate feel free to write that in a post but please understand that this blog is about change. No form of name calling or intimidation will be tolerated, your post will be removed. This is a serious blog for serious people who want to make a difference. Members of the school board view this site, this link can easily be sent to the Superintendent, this is your opportunity to tell them what you think needs to change at Northgate.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where Were You?

Yesterday was the Day of the Teacher. There was a rally in Civic Park to protest the state budget cuts. Speakers included Mike Noce from MDEA, Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools Joe Ovick, Assemblyman Mark DeSaulnier, Assemblyman Guy Houston, a representative from Senator Tom Torlakson's office and speakers representing local PTAs and teachers. Teachers from all over the area were present as were many parents. Do you know who wasn't there?
I saw one Northgate parent, 2 Northgate teachers, and no Northgate students. Now I can't pretend to know everybody so if I missed you please correct me. This was an opportunity to assemble a large group in front of an elected body and shout for change at the state level. MDUSD is in a crisis mode. We have a split board, a superintendent on the brink of losing his job, teachers with low morale leaving our schools in record numbers and a budget with mistakes that make required cuts even more painful. With all that said, the single greatest issue confronting us right now is the $4 billion cut in state funding and you weren't there to send a message back to Sacramento saying NO MORE CUTS. Why?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why Is It Okay With You?

I know that you come to this site. I know that people vote on the polls. I don't understand the lack of comments regarding the questions asked of the MDUSD administration and Board of Education. Help me understand, I don't care if you post anonymously. Do you care about the answers to those three questions? Do you want answers to more questions like those, trust me there are plenty more to ask? Do you realize that reading them and not posting sends no message and garners no change? A one sentence comment sends a message. No comment says everything is fine. went on this same tirade this last week. Is it apathy? Is it fear? Is this just a form of entertainment to you?
READ Paul Strange's response to the questions. Are those answers okay with you? Is it okay that no other member of the administration or board responded? Do these answers represent April Treece's opinions?
Why are we afraid to demand more from those we elect to represent our interests? Why are so many settling for so little? Our district is in big trouble... we have major financial issues. We have teachers with low morale, leaving at alarming rates, being replaced with less experienced teachers into a system where mentoring and training is stretched thin. How can we allow member of the Board to dodge our questions? Tell me, so I understand why it is okay with you.

MDUSD Parents Seek Signatures to Oust Superintendent McHenry

I have been reading the blogs and for those of you on the fence, I understand. Gary McHenry is a nice man and I think it is human nature to empathize with the reality that this is a very public and very unpleasant end to his time at MDUSD.
It is impossible for the Superintendent to make the kinds of changes needed in this district. We can debate whether he is capable or not, but in reality, in order to make the changes he would have to admit to the things in this district that have been handled incorrectly. His position in the district places the responsibility for mistakes, misjudgments, mismanagement, and a myriad of other shortcomings squarely on his doorstep. The very action needed for change costs him credibility. This paradigm alone makes change an impossible feat.
We can be angry, we can and should take action, after all we have at stake the education of the children in our communities. However, I want to remind you he is a man, he has a family, he gets up and goes to work in the morning... let's get the job done with dignity.
Thanks to MDUSDParents and, you can download the petition by clicking here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Board Member Replies - Others are Welcome to do the Same

Paul Strange has replied to the April 27 post. His time and effort to do so is greatly appreciated. Please note that this blog will post all responses and hopes that others, including both the MDUSD administration and board members who may have opposing views, will respond as well.
Thank You Mr. Strange!

Response from Paul Strange

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kudos to McHenry, Kudos to Toliver

If we are going to complain about Mr. McHenry and hold him accountable for not addressing years of ineffective leadership at Northgate, then we also have to acknowledge the Superintendent when we see real improvement. The appointment of Carl Toliver as interim Principal, has to date, proven to be a good choice. In fact, there are students and parents who would like to see him stay on permanently. The atmosphere on campus has begun to change, it is more friendly and communication is more open. In addition, Mr. Toliver seems to be assessing the administration, staff and teachers, as well as standard practices and curriculum. Rumor has it he is committed to increasing the number of AP courses immediately. He has attended the classes of all new teachers. He has empowered the student leaders with his "can do" attitude, something Northgate has not seen in a long time.
Kudos to Mr. Toliver for a job well started.
Kudos to Mr. McHenry for appointing the right person for the job.

Still No Answers, We Are Not That Patient

They were complex but not difficult questions. This blogger is disappointed that we still have no answers. The questions again:

1. We heard back from members of the interview panels that there were three excellent Principal candidates for Northgate that were unanimously sent through to the District. Now we hear that the process is starting completely over and that the candidates "did not fit the total picture of what the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent thought was a good fit for Northgate." When Mr. Young was asked where additional candidates would be found he first responded that the district would go back out to the same publications. When pushed further he admitted, "We are going to rely on our contacts." These panel members include members of our faculty and parent body. Is this panel legitimate? Do they really have an opportunity to represent our school? Is the process a bit of a set-up? Will the District be picking our new Principal from their "contacts"? Do we want that?

2. I would like to know why this district claims to be so data driven and then when confronted with data showing that almost 90% of the district schools are performing below average, when compared to similar schools, they dismiss this data? They claim to not understand the data, to not believe the data and yesterday Ms. Treece suggested it was the fault and responsibility of the school site. Please note that nine years ago all Northgate feeder pattern schools were above average or well above average. Today all of these same schools are below average or well-below average when compared with similar schools.

3. Teacher morale is at an all-time low, MDUSD teacher experience levels are the lowest in the county (they are approaching an average of 6 years), in last three years Northgate has turned over almost half of it's teachers and the new teacher support is just not adequate. What is the District doing to attract the best and the brightest? What is the District doing to insure new teachers are properly mentored? Who is monitoring the progress of these new teachers to make sure they are up to the task? Many teacher issues come down to a lack of a contract and specifically the lack of an adequate compensation package. The district negotiators have only made three offers in the last 18 months, how can a contract get settled when the process moves so slowly? How high of a priority is this? Be careful about making it all about our budget woes when the district recently spent $10,000,000 on new technology and cut $1.8 million of funds set aside for teacher benefits months before it was necessary.